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Govly Basics: Opportunities Dashboard Navigation
Govly Basics: Opportunities Dashboard Navigation

Overview of the Govly Dashboard

Oliver Taylor avatar
Written by Oliver Taylor
Updated over a week ago

Video Tutorial With Text Instruction Below

The Govly Dashboard is the homepage for this capture procurement management platform. This article will cover how to navigate the Search column. If you're interested in the advanced filters, read our article on filter basics.

Using the numbers as a guide, here is how the Dashboard is composed.

  1. This dropdown provides access to all of your organizations Saved Searches. NOTE: If you're not seeing a Saved Search that you were expecting to see, the author may have marked it as private.

  2. This is the main search box. An example of a complex search is shown in the background. Searches are covered in several other articles, but if you would like to try your first search simply type in a word and click on the Search icon (7).

  3. This row of buttons allows you to insert search operators rather than type them in the box. This is covered extensively in the article on Search Operators.

  4. Your search will default to "Results", which shows all opportunities. Selecting "Analytics" will provide you with analytical insights into the opportunities that are returned for a given search. (Example: The number of opportunities by customer)

  5. By selecting the three ellipsis you can view all of your companies saved searches

  6. The "Save" button allows you to save your search criteria. If you're building a new search or modifying an existing search, be sure to select "Save" if you make any changes to your search terms.

  7. "Search" executes a search based on the criteria you have implemented. (Example: If you update your search terms, but do not select the "Search" button, your results will not be refreshed)

  8. Selecting the three ellipsis allows you to export your search results in .csv format and change how your results are presented to you within Govly.

  9. This controls the order of your search results. The default is "Posted at" showing the most recent opportunities first. You can also select from several other ways to sort your search result.

  10. This toggles between Descending and Ascending sort based on the parameter selected in 9. It defaults to Descending.

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